Each one of our early morning pigtail battles was a labor of love. At the time, I did not know, the impact our mother and daughter hairdo sessions were imprinting upon our hearts. The countless hours, Punkin and I shared bonding, chatting and laughing, while doing her long tangled hair were some of our best mother and daughter moments! Some of which, I will cheerish a lifetime!
I wanted Punkin to stay in pigtails forever but she fought for her individuality! She loved the two pigtails, until she discovered the more pigtails I made; the more bows she could swing at the ends of her pigtails.
By third grade, she had to have a bang! My little Punkin had developed her own personality and I was not gracefully growing out of my role as her personal beautician. Our hair sessions went from hearing her say, “Oh, thank you Momma!” “I am so pretty!” unto her storming to her room, to redo her hair! At first, it frustrated the daylights out of me but Punkin was persistent! Finally, I gave in and realized she was growing up and I had to allow my Punkin space to become Derezma, her very own person.
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